Testing the Library ==================== There are a few steps for testing the library. 1. Install dependencies 2. Modify your settings 3. Run ``make test`` or ``make test-all`` Install Dependencies -------------------- In order to run the tests, the dependencies need to be installed. To do this, run these commands .. code:: console $ python3 -m virtualenv venv $ source venv/bin/activate (venv)$ python3 -m pip install -r requirements_test.txt .. _modify-settings-for-testing: Modify Settings --------------- Then copy ``.env.base`` to ``.env`` and edit the file. For example, the default ``.env.base`` file right now is: .. include:: ../.env.base :code: sh Run Tests --------- To run the tests on your current Python version, use the target ``test``. To run tests on multiple Python versions, use the target ``test-all``. .. code:: console (venv)$ make test # current python version (venv)$ make test-all # multiple python versions